The air conditioning system comes in contact with a lot of dirt and dust from the surroundings. This makes the cleaning of the cooling system components, like the condenser coil and blower fan, necessary. Likewise, the cooling coil is cleansed of all foreign particles to ensure its smooth functioning.
The condenser’s main function is transferring the heat from the cabin to the outside atmosphere. Its constant exposure to dust and impurities in the air requires it to be cleaned with a high-pressure wash to thoroughly eliminate all the dirt that may be stuck to it. Any other blockages that may have developed are cleaned and cleared, along with proper restoration of all the electrical connections.
The dashboard and bumper back are then finally fitted back, followed by the cleaning of the AC vents and the dashboard to get rid of any remaining dust particles.
Getting a car air conditioner repaired and serviced by a trusted-credible mechanic is important as it is a complex process that involves removing the dashboard with its electrical connections and reconnecting them correctly and in the right manner.
Bosch Car Service, being a world-class name with 100 years in the industry. Their highly qualified technicians, latest tech and quality standard for genuine auto parts will give the best AC repair and servicing for your car. Book an appointment and get your air conditioner to function as good as new, giving you the most comfort-filled drives throughout the year!