Winter Care Hacks for Your Car Batteries - Blogs by Bosch

Tips for car battery maintenance during the winter season

You may find yourself with a dead battery the next time you try starting your car if you have yet to take the proper precautions. Since winter weather can be brutal on car batteries. During winter, a dead car battery can be dangerous, fortunately, you can avoid this unpleasant scenario with some essential preventative maintenance.

How do car batteries get affected by cold weather?

Your car battery can die in cold weather. A 12-volt battery that turns the engine starts most vehicles. Whereas the alternator recharges the battery while the car is running so it can start your car the next time. But when the temperature drops below 0 degrees, car batteries lose their power.

Prevent your car battery from the cold weather

Car Battery Test

It's essential to get a maintenance check on your vehicle if you are unsure about the car's battery health, especially before the cold weather comes. A professional can test your car battery at home or in a shop to ensure it's in proper working condition. Flooded lead-acid batteries can be measured accurately for specific gravity and battery voltage, which are the most common batteries used in cars with these devices.

  • To measure specific gravity, a hydrometer is required.
  • To calculate the voltage, a digital DC voltmeter is needed, which reads 12.4V or higher.

If you bring your car with concern, many repair shops, battery retailers, and auto parts dealers will also test your batteries for free. Always follow your battery manufacturer's safety and testing procedures or consult the safety first manual.

Battery Connections

They should be secured tightly to keep the bar clean and in good condition. You can remove corrosion with a stiff wire brush while wearing personal protective equipment. Again, see the safety tips for car battery maintenance and safety first manual for step-by-step instructions.

Winter months car battery tips

The alternator may need help to charge the battery fully during short drives. So the next time you turn the key, you may need more power to start a car since partially discharged batteries are more prone to freezing. An easy thing you can do to protect your battery is unplugged accessories and turn off interior lights when not driving. The interior light left on for an extended period during the winter season drains a car battery faster than anything else.

Park the car inside

Another tip this winter is to park your car inside to help keep the car's battery working. Protecting the battery from the frigid winds and freezing temperatures will help keep its power level up. Start it up a few times and let the engine run if parking in a garage isn't possible and it's going to sit outside in the weather for several hours.

Car Storage tips during winter

Be sure to use a trickle charger if you store your car during the winter or if you don't drive once the snow falls to keep your battery charged. Fully charged batteries can tolerate a more excellent temperature range than partially discharged batteries. Generally, until they reach a shallow temperature, fully charged lead-acid batteries will not freeze; however, the freezing temperature is much higher for partially discharged batteries.

Get a good car service before winter.

Planning a visit to the mechanic before winter is essential. However, getting your car serviced throughout the year is also equally important, and doing this ensures your car is completely ready for cold and freezing days.

So before the cold days get even colder, bring your car to Bosch Car Service for a quick check-up and get more practical tips from experienced mechanics on maintaining your car battery during this winter season.

Car Storage tips during winter

Be sure to use a trickle charger if you store your car during the winter or if you don't drive once the snow falls to keep your battery charged. Fully charged batteries can tolerate a more excellent temperature range than partially discharged batteries. Generally, until they reach a shallow temperature, fully charged lead-acid batteries will not freeze; however, the freezing temperature is much higher for partially discharged batteries.

Get a good car service before winter.

Planning a visit to the mechanic before winter is essential. However, getting your car serviced throughout the year is also equally important, and doing this ensures your car is completely ready for cold and freezing days.

So before the cold days get even colder, bring your car to Bosch Car Service for a quick check-up and get more practical tips from experienced mechanics on maintaining your car battery during this winter season.